Aгgentina is undeг inʋestigation by FIFA, goalkeepeг Matinez risks being disqualified from participating in the semifinals.

Aгgentina is undeг inʋestigation by FIFA, goalkeepeг Matinez risks being disqualified from participating in the semifinals.

Thủ môn Aгgentina nguy cơ bị cấm thi đấu bán kết Woгld Cup 2022

The Italian squad had a tough time with the Netherlands in the quarterfinals, which were played early on December 10. Accordingly, they had a two-goal advantage up to the 82nd minute, but they allowed the opposition to draw even, forcing a penalty shootout between the two teams.

Many Agentina supporters here were worried about the home team’s future, but Lionel Messi and his teammates shown their perseverance to gain tickets to the following round. Despite the controversy, El Pulga criticised the referee Antonio Mateu Lahoz’s style of match management after the match.

Mateu Lahoz, the referee for this encounter, drew a total of 18 yellow cards for the members of the two sides. This is a “eco” number in the most important tournament at the level of the national team.

ĐT Aгgentina bị FIFA điều tra, thủ môn Maгtinez nguy cơ cấm thi đấu bán kết

Prior to that, Messi spoke with Dutch players and coach Louis Van Gaal. The 35-year-old superstar’s teammates were also frequently in conflict with people across the font line.

Particularly, the teenage goalkeeper Matinez remarked pretty harshly: “The Netherlands got everything.” The game has been turned on its head. Mateu Lahoz inserted an additional 10 minutes without explanation. He only desired Ha. Lan scoffed, “That’s crazy!”

Lahoz’s hometown team, Spain, has just been eliminated, so he also wants Aгgentina to гetuгn home soon. Lahoz is the woгst гefeгee at this Woгld Cup.

The match between Aгgentina and the Netheгlands is full of tension and dгama

Mateu Lahoz, the referee for this encounter, drew a total of 18 yellow cards for the members of the two sides. This is a “eco” number in the most important tournament at the level of the national team.

Prior to that, Messi spoke with Dutch players and coach Louis Van Gaal. The 35-year-old superstar’s teammates were also frequently in conflict with people across the font line.

Messi and his teammates might incur a severe FIFA punishment if they are unfortunate. Particularly, players who vehemently criticise the Efee are likely to be barred from participating in any of Argentina’s next World Cup games.

The final match between the Netherlands and Argentina was arguably the 2022 World Cup’s most heated debate. A total of 18 yellow cards were required to be withdrawn by Lahoz, 16 of which were for players on the field and 2 for members of the coaching staff.


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