A large bird known as the “Niltava,” which has a brilliant blue head and a purplish-blue underside, is eye-catching.
The huge nilvata is a truly remarkable bird. Their head, back, throat, and wings are all vividly bright blue on these beautiful creatures. But because of the dark blue colour of their face and underparts, they stand out in their colony.
Many people comment on how strong and nearly eye-catching their blue tones are. It’s true since I find myself gazing at these gorgeous, fluffy creatures nonstop.
The sides of the throats of the female birds are blue, in contrast to the dark olive brown of the males. Their tail and wings are the same shade.
A species of bird belonging to the Muscicapidae family is the huge niltava. Its population is presently quite constant.
They are found throughout the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, moving down into Cambodia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and China from India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Tropical forests with lots of moisture are home to these stunning birds. Additionally, you can find them in rural gardens.
Most large niltavas eat insects for food. They also consume wild berries and other invertebrates.
Female huge niltavas construct their nests among stones and tree hollows during the breeding season. To lay eggs, they even drill holes in decaying tree stumps. Moss and plant fibres are used to construct these nests. They take about 15 days to incubate 2 to 5 eggs. They leave the nests and go on the quest for food after feeding the chicks for 14 days until they are completely grown.