According to reports, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man will battle the Avengers 6 and “They’ll be dropping into Secret Wars”

According to reports, Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man

will battle the Avengers 6 and “They’ll be dropping into Secret Wars”

We all know how much excitement there was when Tobey Maguire and Tom Holladay both participated. In order to confront the supervillains who had returned from the past, Andrew Garfield joined the MCU. The multifaceted story was immediately energized by their entrance, but this might not be the last time you see the three of them together.

Spider-Maп: No Way Home poster
Spider-Maп: No Way Home poster
Two new Avengers movies will be part of the MCU’s Phase 6; the second, titled Avengers: Secret Wars, will give the franchise its greatest chance yet to bring Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man versions back. The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first three phases are known as The Infinity Saga, and in 2022, San Diego Comic-Con not only unveiled a brand-new lineup of Marvel movies but also retroactively gave the MCU’s subsequent three phases the name The Multiverse Saga.

Aпdrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Maп to returп iп Avengers: Secret Wars

One of the most captivating MCU entries, Spider-Ma: No Way Home brings together three decades of Spider-Ma flicks while brilliantly honoring each individual character. The MCU’s use of the multiverse has increased since the Infinity Saga, but No Way Home made the best use of it by embracing metafiction without sacrificing any sincerity.

No Way Home gave each of Spider-characters Man’s the chance to shine and reminded viewers why Gree Gobli and Doctor Octopus, played by Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molia, are two of the superhero genre’s toughest foes.

Aveпgers Secret Wars Poster
Keviп Feige waпts Secret Wars to oυtdo Eпdgame

The MCU’s Multiverse Saga suggests that it takes place in a significantly different era from the Infinity Saga. Kang the Conqueror will be a significantly more intelligent and violent foe than Thanos, and he’ll endanger all realities rather than just the MCU’s main timeline, if Loki’s portrayal of He Who Remains is accurate.

Secret Wars could be compared to Avengers in the Multiverse Saga: If the movie brings together as many people as it can for a big battle against Kang, it will have the ideal opportunity to bring everyone back. For the act 3 showdown, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man variations.

The Raimi, Marc Webb, and Tom Holladay Spider-universes Men’s will coexist peacefully in Kang the Conqueror, and The Avengers would benefit from having three Spider-Men rather than just one.

What may be anticipated from Avagers: Secret Wars?

The Raimi and Webb Spider-Man universes are currently a part of the MCU multiverse, therefore they won’t be taking part in Kang’s attempted conquests. Kang the Conqueror will endeavor to reconcile all realities, as hinted by Loki’s sea soot o’e coclèso. The Avengers’ teams in Secret Wars will probably be composed of superheroes from around the multiverse, much like in Season 1 of Marvel’s What If?

The three Spider-Meп will retυrпThe 3 Spider-Meп will retυrп

This could result in smaller teams like Avengers: Before they all combine into an Endgame-style championship, reuniting all three Peter Parkers, there is an Infinity War in which at least three squads each have a distinct Spider-Ma version.

Known for posting films of Hollywood leaks and rumors’, Youtuber Heavy Spoilers has claimed that Maguire and Garfield will leave for Secret Wars. They’ll stop watching Secret Wars, he predicted.

Up to this point, the MCU has methodically planned the progression of events leading to fully realized crossovers on-screen and has been careful to arrange their most crucial moments. Marvel Studios has drifted further and further away from the Infinity Saga since the 23-picture story arc bowed out from its main narrative arc with Avengers: Endgame.

Will Tobey Magυire aпd Aпdrew Garfield retυrп iп Aveпgers: Secret WarsWill Tobey Magυire aпd Aпdrew Garfield retυrп iп Aveпgers: Secret Wars?

A Secret Wars movie adaptation would require the inclusion of the X-Men and The Fantastic Four in the MCU, suggesting that if Marvel Studios pursues this idea, there must be sufficient time for audiences to thoroughly absorb a limited cast of characters and background information prior to becoming familiar with a complex plot.

Secret Wars is too complex for a single individual to fully participate given where the MCU is currently, and it should be expected to fold after a few years once Marvel fans have had a chance to catch up. Secret Wars may be the next big-budget crossover event as Marvel Studios has never veered from them.

Source: YouTube

The movie Avengers: Secret Wars will arrive in theatres on May 1, 2026.

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