Former President Donald Trump recently released a brief health report through his physician, Dr. Bruce Aronwald, claiming that his health is “excellent.” The report highlighted a few key points: Trump has lost weight, which the doctor attributes to an “improved diet” and regular exercise. However, the report is notably sparse in terms of critical health details. It does not provide specific information on Trump’s weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or any prescriptions he may be taking. Furthermore, the exact amount of weight Trump has lost was also not disclosed.

This lack of transparency in Trump’s health reports is not new. Throughout his political career, his health disclosures have often been criticized for their vagueness and occasional exaggerations. For instance, during his 2016 campaign, Trump’s doctor famously declared him to be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” a statement that was widely regarded as hyperbolic and lacking in substance. These reports have typically focused on broad assurances of good health rather than providing detailed medical data.

In contrast, President Joe Biden’s health reports have generally been more comprehensive, offering a clearer picture of his physical condition. Despite this, concerns about Biden’s age and overall health persist, particularly as he is currently the oldest sitting U.S. president. Biden’s health disclosures, while more detailed than Trump’s, have not fully quelled public apprehension regarding his ability to serve a full term.

The health and fitness of both Trump and Biden are under increasing scrutiny as they are both in their late 70s and early 80s, respectively, and are potential candidates for the 2024 presidential election. Voter concerns about their age and fitness for office have been reflected in recent polls, which indicate a significant portion of the electorate is uneasy about the prospect of either man serving another term.

Trump has attempted to counter these concerns by emphasizing his cognitive test results, which he often cites as evidence of his mental sharpness. However, questions about his overall health remain, particularly given the lack of detailed medical information in his recent health report. As both men prepare for the possibility of another presidential campaign, their health will likely remain a central issue in the public discourse.

Updates: Who shot Trump? What we know about suspect, assassination attempt  | Vox

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