Fans are convinced that Marvel would fire Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch after he was accused of profiting from slavery.

Fans are convinced that Marvel would fire Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch after he was accused of profiting from slavery.

One of the most horrible acts in human history has been slavery.

Barbados, a country in the Caribbean, is pursuing reparations from the affluent descendants of slave owners as part of a new campaign.

And Benedict Cumberbatch, an Oscar nominee, might also be on their list. The hero of Doctor Strange hails from a well-known British family, and Abraham Cumberbatch was reputed to have owned numerous slaves in Barbados.

In Now You See Me 3, Benedict Cumberbatch played a role.

Fans have been debating the English actor’s future in the MCU as a result of the controversy surrounding his family’s involvement in slavery. While some Marvel fans are standing up for the actor, others argue that he shouldn’t have any problems with the demand for restitution because it wouldn’t be too much for him.

The Barbados Task Force may seek reparations from Benedict Cumberbatch’s family.

The National Task Force on Reparations in Barbados has been pressing affluent institutions that profited greatly from slavery for reparations. The well-known British family that has ties to slavery in Barbados is where the Hollywood star Benedict Cumberbatch also hails from.

12 Years a Slave, starring Benedict Cumberbatch

The family of the Sherlock Holmes actor is then anticipated to be the next to receive a claim for damages. The vice chairman of the state’s task team, David Comissiong, reportedly did not rule out the prospect, according to a story from The Telegraph.

This is still in its infancy, he noted. We have only just started. A significant portion of this history is only just becoming known. Any descendants of plantation owners who benefited from slavery, including the Cumberbatch family, should be approached for reparations, according to David Denny, a longtime advocate for the cause.

The Slavery in Benedict Cumberbatch’s Family

Abraham Cumberbatch, a wealthy slave owner in the 18th century, was Benedict Cumberbatch’s ancestor. In 1728, Abraham Cumberbatch acquired the Cleland plantation. 250 slaves lived on the plantation.

According to rumours, the Cumberbatch family profited greatly from that property. The family earned £6,000 in compensation from the British government following the abolition of slavery. Currently, the amount is thought to be around about $1 million.

“Amazing Grace” starring Benedict Cumberbatch

The Courier actor has been outspoken about his ancestors’ involvement in slavery. In an interview from 2018, he noted, “We have our past; you don’t need to look far to see the past of slave ownership. It’s shocking that we were involved in the sugar industry as a whole.

In the 2006 movie Amazing Grace, Cumberbatch played William Pitt the Younger, a previous British prime minister. According to him, his part in the movie serves as a “kind of repentance” for his family’s involvement in slavery.

Internet Opinion on the Subject is Split

Benedict Cumberbatch has stated in the past that his mother told him not to use his real name for his acting profession because of the family’s connections to slavery. Fans have been debating what this would mean for the Atonement actor since it is anticipated that he will be the target of the allegations.

Social media users are divided on the part that the Good Omens actor played in the overall event. While some argued that he shouldn’t be held accountable for the deeds of his ancestors, others said that he shouldn’t have any trouble making restitution as they wouldn’t be a big financial burden for him.

Regarding the allegations, Benedict Cumberbatch has not yet made any comments. However, there has been talk that this would affect his roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The Telegraph, cited


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