How the “cat-man” looked before all the facial modifications

You may not even know the name Dennis Avner, however the appearance of this man made a lot of noise in its time. This man was the first in the world to change his appearance making it look more catlike.

Today it is a common thing to undergo plastic surgeries to make one look better. But Dennis didn’t accept his appearance at all. He regretted the fact that he wasn’t born a cat.

All the modifications Avner did were meant to make him look as catlike as possible. For this purpose he underwent more than a hundred surgeries.

For example, the man reshapes his face cutting his eyes to look like those of a cat, changed nasolabial folds, the shape of his lips, sharpened the “proper” teeth. He also did a lot of tattoos reminding of a tiger’s stripes.

But still Dennis couldn’t accept the fact that he wasn’t born a cat. All the changes he did with his appearance didn’t really make him happy, so he decided to depart this life.

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