Matt Riddle battles Solo Sikoa in a No Disqualification Match: SmackDown highlights by HollywoodNuts

Matt Riddle battles Solo Sikoa in a No Disqualification Match: SmackDown highlights by HollywoodNuts

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On the most recent SmackDown edition, Matt Riddle and Solo Sikoa engaged in a riveting No Disqualification Match. Neither of the two celebrities gave in during their fierce fight. The match was packed with daring movements and powerful blows that had the audience on the edge of their seats. Who won the battle? Find out by reading on.


Both wrestlers traded strikes in the middle of the ring to begin the match. Early on, Solo Sikoa grabbed charge by striking Riddle in the abdomen with a crushing kick. But Riddle immediately took control of the situation and retaliated with a barrage of punches and kicks of his own. When the action spilled outside of the ring, Riddle took use of his athleticism by performing a flawless moonsault on Sikoa. It was a fast-paced event from beginning to end.


Things got progressively more extreme as the game went on. Both wrestlers were free to make use of any weapon they pleased thanks to the No Disqualification clause. Sikoa was able to use the ring ropes, while Riddle added a steel chair to the action. The two wrestlers risked everything for the victory, leaving the audience in amazement as they placed their bodies on the line. It was a battle of styles, with Sikoa’s brawling approach competing against Riddle’s precise wrestling skills. Who would win out, though?


It was Matt Riddle who won the battle after a valiant effort. Riddle slammed Sikoa with his trademark Bro-Derek finisher in the closing seconds of the contest, resulting in the pinfall and victory. As Riddle celebrated his victory, the audience exploded. The amazing athleticism and talent of both wrestlers were on display in this match, which will never be forgotten. After the match, it was evident that Matt Riddle had once again shown why he is one of the most thrilling wrestlers in the WWE right now.

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